
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Menu For The Week Of 10/16

Good evening, friends! I said I was going to work hard to get next weeks menu up on Sunday and as promised here it is. We didn't have meatloaf for dinner tonight (I'm SO bummed... not! lol) so that will be moving from last weeks menu to this weeks. I actually picked up a frozen Beef and Broccoli meal from Trader joes over the weekend and that's what we had tonight. It was AH- MAZING. My husband is super picky and only likes homemade food and even he loved the meal. He suggested I get another bag of it this week *insert surprised ghost face emoji*. If you have any questions about the menu feel free to message me through here or on Instagram. As mentioned before I won't be posting recipes since that would take quite a while to come up with a recipe for each meal. I will however link Pinterest recipes that I love. Just click on the main dish for example: "meatball subs" in this post and it should take you right to Pinterest. Thanks for stopping by :)

Monday: Meatball subs w/Caesar salad topped w/homemade croutons

Tuesday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans

Wednesday: Roasted chicken thighs with carrots and parmesan potatoes

Thursday: Leftovers (between the meatloaf and roasted chicken there is bound to be plenty leftover for us)

Friday: Chili dogs OR takeout (I'll let the kids pick this one)

Saturday: We have a wedding to attend! So yippy that means no cooking!!

Sunday: Fried chicken tenders, Mac & cheese, steamed veggies (we love the steamable bag of veggies)

I grocery shop every other Friday so this Thursday I will make a list of meals for the next two weeks and then make a grocery list from that. Friday morning I head to the store with my list of meals and grocery list in hand. I generally stick to what I have planned but if I find something on sale I might switch out a meal for the one I can make on sale instead. That's why its important for me to have my list of meals with me as well so I remember why I'm buying something and if I change my mind I remember what I need to put back.



  1. What a fun blog post! I'm so jealous of your biweekly shopping trip- I feel like I'm always running to the store! See you are IG! đŸ’› @lifeonlorenzo

    1. Thanks for dropping by Heather! Its hard to stay away from the store during the week but try my hardest haha. Planning out our meals really does help. Take care, Friend! :)


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